Do to poor weather and driving conditions, all evening activities are canceled for Wednesday, February 2.

Easter at Keystone

are you ready to celebrate victory in jesus?

Our prayer is that everyone who walks through our doors will have a chance to encounter the love and hope found in Christ this Easter. We have 3 services, all with engaging worship, an inspiring message, and a church family that is ready to welcome you. Come experience Victory in Jesus as we celebrate His resurrection together! 

9AM · 10:30AM · 11:45AM

Can't join us in person?

Watch with us online! We are live-streaming our second service so you can experience the uplifting worship and hopeful message with us, wherever you are. Let's celebrate together!

10:30am livestream

Experience easter with Keystone kids!

Children from Birth-5th grade will be stepping back in time every week as they get to experience Jerusalem for themselves in the month leading up to our big Easter celebration with treats from Life is Sweet Bakery, popcorn, and more fun to be had!

Make check-in a breeze + pre-register if this is your first time joining us. Keystone families can also skip the line on Easter morning by getting tags pre-printed. Text CHECKIN to 734.944.5397.

Good Friday

Join us for a time of worship, reflection, and communion as we remember the ultimate act of love and sacrifice for humanity's sins that Jesus willingly took upon himself. Encounter how the cross was only the beginning. Victory is on the horizon...
This is a time of family worship, childcare will be provided for our birth-1st grade children.

6:30PM - 7:30PM

Follow us on socials for reels and digital invites!

Who will you invite?

Someone you know needs hope and community in their life. You have the chance to introduce them to a Savior who will transform their heart and their life. Don’t wait - invite them now!

Hey! Want to come to Keystone Church with me for Easter? It's going to be an incredible morning. Let me know what service time works for you!