At Keystone, we actively respond to the needs in our local community with financial and volunteer resources throughout the calendar year. Your generosity helps fuel their efforts to meet needs and reach others for Jesus Christ. Watch the Sunday Keynotes where opportunities to serve others, and to serve with others, will be offered. You can sign up using the Connect Form, by completing a Connect Card located in the auditorium, or by coming to Guest Services in the lobby on Sunday morning.
Safe families for children
Safe Families for Children hosts vulnerable children and creates extended family–like support for desperate families through a community of devoted volunteers who are motivated by compassion to keep children safe and families intact. SFFC surrounds families in crisis with caring, compassionate community. They are a volunteer-driven nonprofit that provides hope and support to families in our local communities that is motivated by faith to keep children safe and families intact. Learn more about Safe Families For Children here.
Cass Corridor is a street mission in inner city Detroit aimed at meeting the most basic of needs for the homeless and poor. The fourth Saturday of each month, volunteers from Keystone Church and other area churches partner to travel to Cass Park and distribute a hot meal, distribute hygiene kits, and specialty items such as blankets and coats at Christmas. While meeting tangible needs of food and clothing, the greater need is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. You have an opportunity to talk with, develop relationships, and pray with those who respond to this outreach. On a typical Saturday up to 100 men, women and children are served. Join us in serving those in need here.
Volunteers prepare and serve a full holiday dinner to the residents at Mill Pond Manor for both Thanksgiving and Easter. Volunteer opportunities include organization of the menu, servers, preparation, bringing a dish, creating centerpieces, connecting with + sharing a meal with residents, serving and clean up of the meal.
Saline area social service
We partner with Saline Area Social Service throughout the year to provide volunteers and resources to those in need in Saline. Each year we sponsor donation drives and a community wide food drive. This is a wonderful way to love where you live.
compassion ministry
Compassion Ministry is run by the Ignite Church in Milan, with active volunteer involvement from Keystone. It is a free food/clothing ministry to those in need in Washtenaw County. Volunteer Opportunities include helping weekly on Fridays to prepare and package food from the food truck, and on Saturdays to assist guests with food and clothing collection.
HOPE clinic
Hope Clinic is an interdenominational Christian organization that provides compassionate and practical help to those in need, ministering to the whole person with dignity and respect. They provide a wide range of social services to low-income children and adults without medical insurance. They run medical clinics in Ypsilanti and Wayne and a dental clinic. They also provide hot meals and groceries.