Do to poor weather and driving conditions, all evening activities are canceled for Wednesday, February 2.


Jan 12, 2020    Ken Gilmore

Love includes a feeling but it is so much more than just a feeling. Love compels us to action. Christ commanded us to love God and others. But that love is qualified in a really big way in John 13:34-35 when Jesus says, "As I have loved you, so you must love one another." Our culture has a permissive and passive definition of love. Jesus never loved that way. Mark 10:17-31; Luke 6:27-35' John 3:16; John 11:1-6, 35 & 41-44; John 13:1. In compassion Jesus healed (Matt. 14:14), fed people (Matt. 15:32), taught them (Mark 6:34) and raised the dead (Luke 7:11-17). I won't be teaching each passage but referencing them as the way we say the love of Jesus in action. Jesus was the embodiment of God's love. He confronted, he comforted, he taught, he healed, he pointed people to truth and he obeyed God.