Do to poor weather and driving conditions, all evening activities are canceled for Wednesday, February 2.


Your Group Plan

For people to follow you, you need to know where you're going. Your Group Plan will become your roadmap to a successful group. Make it yours and get started right away. Feel free to reach out to Pastor Chris if you need help getting pointed in the right direction.

If you have any questions about starting a LifeGroup, please contact Pastor Chris Jarrett at or 734-944-5397.

Need help filling in the blank space? That’s okay. Your vision is Spirit-inspired, needed, and vital to your group! It’s worth getting right. Remember, groups are all about meaningful relationships, people growing, and communities changing.
Use the questions below to help uncover your vision. After you do, write a brief vision statement in the blank above.
• How will your group utilize your specific gifts and resources?
• What will relationships look like in my group?
• How will people in my group become better versions of themselves?
• How will the community look different because of my group?
Below are the most common parts of a Group and some information to help you fillin the blank above. The format for you Group is up to you. Mix and match these parts to write a brief description of what you’ll do when you get together.

Talk Together

All groups spend some time catching up with casual conversation. Some start with someone sharing their story or testimony. We are authentic, honest story tellers!

Eat Together

Some group enjoy coffee, a light snack, or even a meal when they get together.

Have Fun Together

Many groups share an activity together like working out, riding motorcycles, hiking, pickleball, game nights, BBQs, crafting, or other hobbies.

Grow Together

All groups make time to spur on spiritual growth through intentional discussions. Get creative. Let us know if you need help finding resources specific to your group. Here are some options to help you grow together:
• Discuss the message each week.
• Read through a YouVersion Bible Plan or other Bible reading plan and discuss them together.
• Do a video series or a book study.
• Share testimonies, pray for each other, and/or talk through Scripture.

Serve Together

The strongest groups serve together on Sundays or at a local mission. Maybe consider volunteering at Keystone Kids once a month, or on the Welcome Team on the same weekend. How can your group carry the heart of our church into our community?

Pray Together

All groups share each other’s needs, struggles, and praises, and prays together. Feel free to set aside the content or study topic when someone in your group needs special attention and prayer.
If your group includes young children, you’ll need a plan. Get creative, embrace chaos, hire a teenager, help each other out, etc.)

Here are five ideas to help you fill in the blank above (and your group!).

1. Invite people you already know. This is by far the best place to start.
2. Hang out near the coffee and personally invite people that seem friendly.
3. Invite people with shared interests. People you serve with, work out with, share a hoppy with, live near you, etc.
4. As we list your group on the Keystone LifeGroup webpage, be sure to respond quickly and personally to people who show interest. Always reply within 48 hours – the sooner, the better.
5. Attend worship consistently and invite the people that sit near you on a Sunday.

Hey, you’ve got this! Groups are the glue of Keystone Church, and they don’t happen without people like you who boldly step up to open your hearts, homes, and schedules to the people around you. We believe in you and we are in this with you!

Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. – Proverbs 3:5-6, The Message